Minor reporting issues

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Joined: 21 Aug 2019


I've noticed, particularly with multi-threaded jobs, that the reported info about which file is being processed, the number of files processed so far and, by extension, the number of files remaining, either isn't correct or at the least appears to be misleading.

Here's one such example from a job which is currently running.
FFSReporting.png (27.26 KiB) Viewed 310 times
There are 4 threads in operation. The file FFS says it's uploading to Google Drive is .kixb.db which is a 400mb file.
But it also says that it's processed zero files in total and 3.67GB.

In actual fact, this file finished uploading a while ago...
FFSReporting2.png (19.2 KiB) Viewed 310 times
...and FFS if now downloading an entirely different 1.67GB file.
There is still no accounting for where FFS gets its 3.67GB figure from - not in the live stats, at any rate.

While I've been typing this, the job has timed-out downloading the 1.67GB file but FFS reports a non-existent error with the old .kixb.db file that was being replaced on GD which FFS says it was unable to move to Google Drive's recycle bin...
FFSReporting3.png (47.86 KiB) Viewed 310 times
...and yet here it is quite happily sat in GD's bin...
FFSReporting4.png (18.21 KiB) Viewed 310 times
I'm confused. I don't think there is any issue at all with the integrity of the files - the correct versions of the files are on GD and on my laptop. But like me, FFS's reporting doesn't seem to quite know what's actually going on :D
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The reporting is probably a consequence of "automatic retry (3x)", : e.g. copying a file failed => processed bytes increases, but not processed items.
Posts: 15
Joined: 21 Aug 2019


Thanks Zenju. I'll reset those options back to the defaults.