Filenames not capitalized won't sync

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Posts: 3
Joined: 13 Aug 2016


On my last synchronization since upgrading to 8.4 several pages of files will not sync because one source has a lower case file extension; the other source has upper case. Otherwise, as far as I an tell, the files are identical. Is there a way the the file extension being upper or lower does not affect synchronization?
Posts: 951
Joined: 8 May 2006


I set up a file time/size, Update sync.

Source was FFS instalDir
Target was C:\OUT

Ran that.

Then went back & changed file extensions of the files in the /Languages/ directory to CAPS.

A Compare at that point showed "Attribute" conflict, the CAPS vs. lowercase.
I then "touched" the files (changed their dates) in the Source /Languages/ directory.

And a Compare at this point wants to update all the Language files (.lng) - as expected, since their dates changed, with no mention of an Attribute issue.

So to me, looks to be working as expected.

FFS 8.3 returns the same results.