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Hello I need probably some help:
Just used the email notification available on the synchro config, but...
When errors, a popup reports the errors, and this popup needs to be closed manually before any notification is sent.

My use case: I want to be notified only when there are disk access errors (happens sometimes in my network) when I'm not in front of my computer.

Did I miss something?
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What is the content op the popup? Which error messages do you get? Do you use the mail notification of FreeFileSync itsself or do you use a script for getting the error messages per mail?
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Yes it's the email notification from FreeFileSync.

Issue fixed. Just to activate "ignore errors" in comparison params, and no popup and notification sent. thx.
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Hello all,

under viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2095&p=18563#p18563 you can find a new version of the VB script with a little bug fix.

Kind Regards

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Hi everyone.
I get this error:

This is line 495:
sLogFolder = Mid(sLine, x, InStr(x, sLine, "<" ) - x )
I tried with version 10.11 with Windows Server 2008 and with version 10.24 with Windows 10.

What can I do?
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Hi everyone.
I get this error:

This is line 495:
sLogFolder = Mid(sLine, x, InStr(x, sLine, "<" ) - x )
I tried with version 10.11 with Windows Server 2008 and with version 10.24 with Windows 10.

What can I do?
Thanks. mircot80, 06 Jun 2020, 12:57
I have solved.
I hadn't activated: "Override default log path"
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I fixed a little bug in the VBScript and uploaded the new file to viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2095&p=18563#p18563.
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Thank you for this great script!
Everything is running smoothly except that the email doesn't include errors and warnings. Here's an example of emails I get:
FreeFileSync batch UniServerZ running on PC-SALON
Synchronization completed with errors

Duration: 0 seconds

Log File: C:\Users\sylva\AppData\Roaming\FreeFileSync\Logs\UniServerZ 2021-08-08 103939.273 [Error].html

Error(s) and/or Warning(s)
Is that the way the email is supposed to look like or is it incomplete?

Thank you for you help! :)


EDIT: Fixed! Simply needed to select PLAIN TEXT as LOG FILE FORMAT.
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first of all I want to thank for this script that works without problems from the first.
The only question I have, can the .xml log be inserted in the e-mail to be seen directly in it?

Like in the donation version.
a link for the screenshoot
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It's possible to attach the log file to the mail. But does it make sense? The script searches the log file for errors and shows the complete lines of the errors in the log file if there are errors.
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Hi and thanks for replay TheExpert,
it would be helpful for the sync status and computer name to appear in the email title.
that's how it appears to me now, maybe I was wrong somewhere.
link for the screenshoot
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Yes, I can change the script to write status and computer name to the mail title if this would be helpful. At the moment I'm on holidays. So I can't do this now. Maybe I will change the script next week. I will update this thread when the new version of the script is available.

Looking at your last screenshot I see that you set the log file to HTML format. With this setting the script can't find errors in the log file. You have to set the log file format to plain text in FreeFileSync.
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Thanks for the reply and happy holidays,I follow the topic with interest when you return.
I also set plain text but it also appears the same. i have the 2021.02.14 - Version 1.17, without major changes, I just filled in the data.
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Changing the log file format to plain text doesn't change the behavior of the script itsself: The mail title is the same as with HTML formated log files. But if there are errors with the synchronization all error lines in the log file are written completely to the mail body so you don't have to look into the log file itsself to see what's gone wrong.
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I set the report to be html and it appears the same, no error lines appear.
Image link
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As already written, you have to set plain text format for the log files in FreeFileSync. The script will then only show error lines in the mail body If there are errors.
Last edited by TheExpert on 31 Aug 2021, 10:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi TheExpert, now it works after I set plain text, if there are errors they appear in the e-mail.
Do you think that you can make the computer name appear in the subject of the message?
Thank you for support!
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Hi bdum,

good to hear that everything is now working as expected.

When I understand you right, you wish to have the status and the computer name in the subject line. Is this correct? This is possible but the subject line will then get longer. You then will not see the complete subject in many mail programs. So ist it really useful to do this?

If you want to use rules for sorting incoming mails you can do this with searching for the keywords in the mail body, too. So there's no need to have this information in the mail subject.

I didn't had time for changing the script yet regarding the status in the subject. And before doing this I will first be sure, if this is useful.

Kind Regards.
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Hi TheExpert,
look at the attachments if you approve you can update your script:
1. I create new const at row 226 so you can enable it by desire: "Const IncludeServerNameInSubject = False", change to "True" to write the name of machines in subject.
2. then at row 444 I inserted new variable for subject

I try it and seems to working fine in my server.
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thanks timberetta. its works!

You're right TheExpert, the computer name in the subject doesn't help much. you can create the redirect rule in a folder. It would be helpful if ✔ or X also appears in the e-mail subject, where "Freefilesync result for batch batch name" already appears, it is more visible.
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thanks timberetta. its works!

You're right TheExpert, the computer name in the subject doesn't help much. you can create the redirect rule in a folder. It would be helpful if ✔ or X also appears in the e-mail subject, where "Freefilesync result for batch batch name" already appears, it is more visible. bdum, 30 Aug 2021, 19:33
It's helpful for me too to have in the subject the result of the sync.
This is what I use by default:
I modified the script and this is the subject that I like to receive, I abbreviated freefilesync to FFS, to shorten the subject of the mail : [Status] FFS results for Batchname
e.g. [Success] FFS results for mybatchname
or [Warnings] FFS results for mybatchname
or [Errors] FFS results for mybatchname
or [Aborted] FFS results for mybatchname

I left in the script the const to decide to insert the machine name at the end of subject.

TO TheExpert: I don't want to fork your script so it's up to you if you need to integrate these changes and how. Thank you
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Hi all,

thank you for your ideas for changing the script and the implementations you've done. I changed now the script by adding the new constants 'IncludeServerNameInSubject' and 'IncludeSyncResultInSubject' to allow users to specify what to include in the email subject.

Here you can find the new version of the script: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2095&p=18563#p18563

Hopefully, this is useful for you.

Kind Regards

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Hello. everything is fine, but less of a problem. if batch is finally set to shut down the computer, the email no longer has time to be sent, and is no longer sent ...
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Yes, the script doesn't support the shutdown of the system. The shutdown in the batch is triggered by FreeFileSync itself. The script is waiting for the exit of FreeFilesync and has to do some more steps after finishing the synchronization. But if FreeFileSync is shutting down the computer all these steps won't be done by the script any more.
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thanks theExpert! is there no solution? In the donated version works, I know is not the same with vbs script, I have the donated version only for 3 devices, but it would be helpful for more.
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Instead of having FFS shut down your system, have FFS launch a script (*.bat, *.com, *.vbs ,...)
that first executes the task to be executed and only then shuts down the system.
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Hi Plerry, how can i do this? to close after the batch finishes? and e-mail have time to sent.
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Thanks for the idea! Nice! Job done!

I created a batch without auto-shutdown and put this vbs script at the end:
Dim objShell, intShutdown
Dim strShutdown, strAbort

' -s = shutdown, -t 120 = 2 minutes, -f = force programs to close
strShutdown = "shutdown.exe -s -t 120 -f"
set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run strShutdown, 0, false
now has time to email and close after.
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For me it's not clear what the variables 'intShutdown' and 'strAbort' are standing for because they aren't used in the rest of the code.

If the shutdown is working this way I can add an option to the script to do a shutdown, too. So it will be safe that all steps of the script are done before shutting down the computer. The analysis of the log files could take a long time if there are a lot of files and if the log files itself have a lot of lines.
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OK, but then why not simply define a "shutdown" command with sufficient delay in the "On completion:" command-line in FFS (as suggested there). You may only need to increase the delay from 60 to 120 seconds.