Can I Do a Three-Way Sync?

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I love FreeFileSync. I've been looking for something like this ever since
Microsoft introduced the briefcase, but failed to deliver on it. Thanks!

Here is my question: I have two workstations, A and B, which I need to keep in
sync. I can't synchronize them directly because typically only one is
networked at a time. Therefore, I'm synchronizing each of them with the file
server C. That works great with FreeFileSync's Automatic option, until I try
deleting files. If I delete a file from A, the sync between A and C will
remove the file from C, but then the sync between B and C will restore the
file to C and the next sync between A and C will put the file back on A.

Is there any way to set up a three-way sync that deletes files properly?

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> Is there any way to set up a three-way sync that deletes files properly?
This usecase is explicitly supported (since v3.1) and should already work like
you expect it to!

>but then the sync between B and C will restore the file to C
Are you sure, you also use <automatic> mode to sync b and c? It should delete
the file from b.
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I have a problem with a three way sync. Some files that are updated by
computer A, get replaced by an older version from computer B. Looking at the
FreeFileSync GUI, I see clearly that the date on some files is different, but
still it does not conclude that this file should be updated. This used to work
fine in version 2.
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Hi Peter,

I assume you used "two-way sync" before but are now using "automatic mode",
correct? Automatic mode detects any changes and mirrors them to the other
side. This means if you copy an old file to one sync-dir this file is mirrored
to the other side, even though it overwrites a newer one.

Regards, Zenju
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When I posted my question, I was using v3.0. Since then, I've upgraded to v3.1
and you're right -- it works exactly as desired.

Thanks again.