Please add Compare-then-Sync option

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First of all let me congratulate all on this fantastic sync software.
From version 3, it absolutely rules on this planet. :-)

As I've been using it for a while now, I'm starting to miss an option or
action or button or whatever, to initialize a sync process with one click.

I'm using FreeFileSync to sync two drives of about 100GB and 500000 files
every few days. Now, I hit Compare, and understandably it takes about 10
minutes for FreeFileSync to finish comparison, then I have to go back to my
machine to hit Synchronize button to start actual sync. For first few syncs
this is something that is wanted, but after a while when I'm certain that sync
is doing the right job, this is an extra step that is unwanted.

So, I would like to be able to initiate sync with one click and then forget
about my computer for next hour or so.

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> initialize a sync process with one click.
Actually you need two, that is a double-click.

Create a batch job via menu->advanced.
