Column suggestions

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Posts: 5
Joined: 26 Apr 2011


Thanks for a great program. I think the new layout in V5 is excellent.

A couple of minor suggestions:
1) Allow me to turn off the "name" column on the right hand side. There is no
need to show it on both sides, and I would prefer to not waste space with it.

2) Allow me to turn off icons entirely (just add "None" to the list of
"small", "medium", and "large").

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> 1) Allow me to turn off the "name" column on the right hand side.
There's one problem with allowing the user to hide the "name" colum. A file
may exist on one side only. In this case showing left and right "name" columns
is not entirely redundant, as it makes clear which side is empty.

> 2) Allow me to turn off icons entirely
I'll add this as a requirement.