copy a large folder to multiple smaller locations

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Joined: 6 May 2020


I have a large folder and would like to copy/sync the location to multiple smaller destinations, each would contain a portion of the larger folder. Can I use freefilesync to help split this up and decide what files can go on each destination HDD.
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If your large folder comprises multiple subfolders, then you can use FFS and define multiple left-right base folder pairs. E.g.
C:\SourceFolder\SubFolder1 => E:\Backup\SubFolder1 and
C:\SourceFolder\SubFolder2 => F:\Backup\SubFolder2

If your large folder does just comprise many files, then you can use FFS and divide the different file-types over multiple backup locations using multiple left-right base folder pairs and suitable Include and/or Exclude Filter rules. E.g.
C:\SourceFolder => E:\Backup\JPG_files , with a local Include Filer where you replace the default *(=everything) by *.jpg (=all jpg files),
C:\SourceFolder => F:\Backup\PDF_files , with a local Include Filer where you replace the default *(=everything) by *.pdf (=all pdf files), and
C:\SourceFolder => G:\Backup\AllOtherFiles , where you leave the local Include Filter as * (=everything), and add two lines to the local Exclude Filer:
This last pair will then backup everything else (than jpg- and pdf-files) to said G: location.

For Global Settings you use the icons above the folder pairs, for Local (=folder pair specific) Settings you use the icons in between the left and right location of each pair.