FreeFileSync Open Source File Synchronization

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FreeFileSync User Manual:

Tips and Tricks

Change settings with a single mouse click: Press and hold the right mouse button until the context menu is shown, then release while over the selection: Comparison settings context menu Filter context menu Synchronization settings context menu
Select multiple configurations at a time: Select multiple configurations Select multiple items via mouse, and refine the selection by holding the Control key while clicking.
Start comparison directly by double-clicking on a configuration: Double-click on configuration
Run a partial synchronization only for the currently selected files: Synchronize Selection
Synchronize multiple folder pairs at a time with different configurations: Add folder pair
Start synchronization directly without clicking on compare first: Start synchronization directly
Move a window by clicking on a free area and holding the mouse button: Move dialog via mouse
Open a batch configuration for edit via the Windows Explorer context menu: Explorer context menu
Drag and drop two folders at a time from Windows Explorer to fill a folder pair in one go: Two-folder drop
Copy files selected on the main dialog to an alternate folder and thereby save a "diff": Copy to alternative path
Use a volume name instead of a drive letter: Drive letter by volume name
Show thumbnail icons via the column header context menu: Show thumbnail icons
Save the current view filter selection as default: Save view filter settings
Remove local settings from individual folder pairs: Remove local settings
Remove obsolete paths from the folder drop-down by using mouse hover and Delete key: Remove drop-down path
Select a time span for files to include via the date column context menu: Select time span
Double-click on comparison and synchronization variants to confirm the dialog: Double-click comparison variant Double-click synchronization variant
Select multiple files and rename all of them in one go (via context menu or F2 key): File rename dialog